Sidney Dworkin
Sidney S. Dworkin served as Cantor of the prestigious Congregation Shaar Hashomayim in Montreal from 1987 to 2003. In September 2003, Hazzan Dworkin was appointed Cantor Emeritus of Shaar Hashomayim for his lifetime.
Cantor Sidney Dworkin was born in Montreal in 1951 and has been singing professionally since the 1970s. He received his primary vocal technique and training from Madame Fanny Levitan and earned a bachelor of music from McGill University, majoring in voice, violin, and music education. Additionally, Cantor Dworkin holds a Masters Degree in Social Work from McGill. Cantor Dworkin’s initial inspiration and grounding in Hazzanut came from the late Cantor Joshua H. Rosenzweig, Z’L.
Cantor Dworkin is past president of the Council of Hazzanim of Greater Montreal and recipient of the Master Cantor Certificate, awarded by the Gila and Haim Weiner Foundation for the Advancement of Cantorial Arts. Cantor Dworkin has been a member of the Cantors Assembly since 1990 and board member of the Cantorial Council of America since 1994. He was invited to participate in numerous concerts and lead showcase Maariv services at the yearly conventions of both the Cantors Assembly and the CCA.
Cantor Dworkin, an active concert and recording artist, has included unique selections of the immortal Leib Glantz, Z’L on each of his CD releases. The character of Cantor Dworkin’s voice lends itself to the lyricism and intricate movements of Glantz’s compositions. His background as a violinist allows him to infuse Glantz’s masterworks with an accuracy in pitch that reveals the very core of these treasures thereby earning him the reputation as one of the finest interpreters of Glantz’s works.
Cantor Dworkin was a contributor by invitation to “The Man Who Spoke to God”, a tribute book, published in 2008, establishing the historical importance of world famous Cantor Leibele Glantz to Cantorial Art.
Hazzan Dworkin was the first Cantor internationally to have released his own full length DVD video capturing a chronological history of his concert career.
In 2007, Cantor Dworkin conceived, produced, and hosted “The Cantors’ Corner”, a weekly radio program presenting Cantorial music and featuring Cantors past and present, on Montreal 24 hour Jewish radio station, Radio Shalom, for 9 years. Cantors’ Corner evolved into a weekly podcast since 2017 in the internet.
Please visit to research the shows.
Cantor Dworkin possesses a pure lyric tenor voice blessed with nuance, flexibility and extraordinary range. His singing and interpretation has brought him the highest acclaim from his peers and endeared him to his congregants.
דבורקין סידני
סידני דבורקין נולד במונטריאול שבקנדה, הוא למד את הטכניקה הווקאלית שלו אצל גב’ פאני לויתן וזכה בתואר ראשון במוזיקה מאוניברסיטת מקגיל.
התמחה בפיתוח קול, בכינור ובמוזיקה. כמו כן, החזן דבורקין הוא בעל תואר שני בעבודה סוציאלית. החזן דבורקין נמשך במיוחד לחזנות של החזן לייב גלנץ. קולו של דבורקין הושפע מהליריות והתנועות המורכבות ביצירותיו של גלאנץ. הוא נחשב כבעל מוניטין ומהמתורגמנים המשובחים ביותר בעבודותיו של גלאנץ וגם נכלל בביוגרפיה של החזן גלאנץ, “האיש שדיבר עם האלוקים”. מאז יוני 2007, החזן דבורקין הפיק ואירגן את תוכנית רדיו הפופולרית ברדיו שלום במונטריאול.
Please take a moment to hear two of our beloved Cantorial colleagues, Cantor Sidney Dworkin and Cantor Yehuda Rottner in a wonderful duet!
To hear Hazzan Dworkin instruct on the subject of Birkat Hachodesh, please click this link below to be found on the instructional section of this website.